CosmetiK Clinic Complaints / Feedback Policy:

Complaints can be made in writing, via phone, in person or via social media.

The Cosmetik Clinic endeavours to treat all its clients appropriately, compassionately and fairly. If, however you have an issue with any matter in relation to any treatment at The Cosmetik Clinic clients are entitled to lodge a complaint, either in person, by telephone or in writing. If any client requires assistance with making a compliant The Cosmetik Clinic will be pleased to help and support, them through this process.

If a complaint is treatment related the matter will be discussed with the relevant therapist and may require the client to attend an additional consultation with the particular therapist and/or the Clinic manager. The objective is to provide an explanation or a solution to the client’s concerns. The Cosmetik Clinic aims to provide its clients with a full written response within 20 working days or where this is not possible, an explanation as to the cause of the delay.

If the complaint is not resolved locally, the matter will be referred to the clinic’s professional suppliers/partner providers support services who will then seek advice as required.

If the complaint is not resolved via the specialist support services by the Clinic’s business partners, the matter can be referred to Healthcare Inspectorate Wales within 6 months of the complaint being raised. Contact details for HIW are below:

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, Welsh Government, Rhydycar business park, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1UZ Alternatively you can visit the website

Information to include the terms of the contract between the patient and the service provider.

Prior to commencement of Clinic treatments clients are required to sign a consent form. Upon signing the consent, clients are confirming that they understand the benefits and risks of the treatment. In addition, clients are acknowledging that no guarantee can be given with regards to clinical outcome.

The Cosmetik Clinic provide a confidential feedback and comments slip and drop box. This is available on our reception desk. Additionally, client feedback is sought via electronic text messaging.

Comment slips and text messages are read daily by the Registered Clinic manager.

The CosmetiK Clinic is regulated by Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, Welsh Government, Rhydycar business park, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1UZ

Tel: 0300 062 8163

Alternatively, you can visit the website

The most recent HIW inspection report (once available) will be published on the HIW website