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Chemical peelAt the Cosmetik Clinic, our therapists are often asked by clients how they can improve their skin tone.  The aim usually is to achieve a flawless complexion by eliminating lines and spots – and a chemical peel is one of the most effective treatments to achieve this.

A chemical peel is medically proven to deliver specific benefits such as reversing melasma (a common pigmentation disorder that causes dark patches on the skin) and other facial breakouts.

By casting off dull surface cells, a chemical peel will improve fine lines, acne, discoloration, and more.  Importantly, unlike some other treatments, they work on all skin types and colours

Chemical Peels Today

Chemical peels originated in the 90’s (though they are believed to also have been used by the Egyptians centuries ago).  Though ground-breaking at the time, these glycolic peel treatments hurt like hell and left the skin raw (remember Samantha Jones from Sex in the City and the results of her freshening peel!)

But since then, the chemical formulas used in these peels have been refined so that, rather than causing visible peeling, today’s methods infuse the skin with ingredients that diminish lines, build collagen, and improve tone.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

The main benefit of a chemical peel is that it makes your skin work better, enabling your skin care products to have more effect too.  In technical terms, the peel lifts away dead skin and triggers a subsequent chain reaction.  As the top layer is peeled away, signals are sent to the cells below encouraging them to multiply and move up, increasing collagen production and making more hyaluronic acid. In other words, the skin is being encouraged to act younger!

The initial effect is visibly smoother skin that’s both more radiant and more receptive to your anti-ageing skin care products.  This is because there are no dead cells impeding their penetration.

Chemical peels are very low risk and can be adapted easily for specific skin types.  The chemical peels we use at the Cosmetik Clinic are safe to use on every skin colour without the risk of hyperpigmentation, which can be a concern for people with darker complexions.

We also recommend to our clients that having several, low chemical content peels give better results than one single session at a higher strength.

Certain chemical peels can counteract the effects of acne and the corresponding scars.  Other peels penetrate deep into skin to unclog pores while also skimming the surface to erode blackheads and fade post-pimple marks; the chemical lingers in the pores where it continues to keep them clear over time.

There isn’t a permanent cure for the recurring sun-triggered dark patches brought on by hormonal surges (often caused by pregnancy or the pill). Chemical peels, combined with a high-SPF sunscreen, and strict sun avoidance) offer the best results.

Chemical Peels at the Cosmetik Clinic

At the Cosmetik Clinic we use the highly recommended Alumier Peel Treatments, the next generation in clinical exfoliation. We offer a variety of Alumier peels, each with a unique range of ingredients which can be customised to target our clients specific skin issues, from ageing, pigmentation or acne.  Our treatments include an exfoliating peel treatment and a brightening enhancement followed by targeted serums which leave you with a more radiant, soft and luminous skin.

Our chemical peel treatments range from £75 for one treatment up to £390 for a course of six.

To find out more, visit the chemical peel treatment page on our website or call us on the number below to book your free consultation:


Author @dmin

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